Norm Jones, Ph.D.
Principal Consultant
Norm J. Jones, Ph.D., serves as Principal Consultant at The Lindsay Group Co. and he is also President & CEO of Integrated Diversity, LLC. He works with leaders to ensure the sustainability of organizational systems by using the lens of equity and justice.
A nationally recognized leader in higher education and organization development, Dr. Jones served as Special Assistant to the Superintendent of Harrisburg Schools from 1998-2001. In addition to a variety of progressively responsible roles, as Associate Vice President for Student Development and Dean of Institutional Diversity from 2001-2013, Associate Chief Diversity Officer and Deputy Director at Harvard University from 2013-2016, and Chief Equity and Inclusion Officer from 2016-2021. He is currently serving a one-year appointment as Interim Chief Diversity Officer at Haverford College.
Since 2000, Dr. Jones has consulted with organizations such as Ahold USA, Inc., Payne Theological Seminary, Interlochen Center for the Arts, Carlisle Regional Medical Center, Institute for East African Councils on Higher Education, International Institute for Sustained Dialogue, Harambee Cameroon Community Group Initiative, JetBlue Airlines, Office of Management and Budget, and the U.S. Department of Transportation.
A member of Pi Alpha Alpha Honor Society, he earned his B.A. in English from Morehouse College, a Masters of Public Administration (MPA) from Pennsylvania State University, and a Ph.D. in Workforce Education and Development also from Pennsylvania State University. He also completed the Harvard Institute for Educational Leadership, the Tavistock Institute on Group Relations, and attended the Aspen Ideas Festival as a Fellow of Arthur Vining Davis Foundations.
His professional service includes membership on several boards, including a family non-profit focused on supporting BIPOC leaders seeking leadership positions in education. He is a reviewer for the Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship Journal, the Journal of African American Males in Education, and an Associate Editor of the Organization Development Review.